How to join IMC For a list of current IMC members, click here.
Membership is granted by the Board through the Executive Secretary upon application. It should be noted that full, voting membership in IMC is made up of member Choruses and their Directors, not individuals. Individual Membership is available to interested individuals. The constitution and the membership brochure indicate the nature of this membership. Individual members receive QUODLIBET, but do not receive library selections.
For further information please contact:
Clayton Parr, Executive Secretary, IMC
Music Department, Albion College
611 E. Porter St.
Albion, MI 49224
Phone: (517) 629-0251
Fax: (517)629-0784
[email protected]
You can submit an application and pay online by clicking here. If you prefer to do it the old fashioned way, click on the appropriate membership category below to download an application form. You can mail your completed application with a check to the Executive Secretary or email the completed application and pay your dues using the links below.
Group/Ensemble Membership
Individual/Supporting Membership
Annual Dues
College/University: $1.50/chorus member plus $20/Director; $40 minimum; $170 maximum
For further information please contact:
Clayton Parr, Executive Secretary, IMC
Music Department, Albion College
611 E. Porter St.
Albion, MI 49224
Phone: (517) 629-0251
Fax: (517)629-0784
[email protected]
You can submit an application and pay online by clicking here. If you prefer to do it the old fashioned way, click on the appropriate membership category below to download an application form. You can mail your completed application with a check to the Executive Secretary or email the completed application and pay your dues using the links below.
Group/Ensemble Membership
Individual/Supporting Membership
Annual Dues
College/University: $1.50/chorus member plus $20/Director; $40 minimum; $170 maximum
Secondary Schools: $.50/chorus member plus $20/Director
Adult Affiliated Choruses: $1.50/chorus member plus $20/Director
Supporting Individual Membership: $40
Two Year Supporting Membership: $80